join the writing circle
learn how to tap into and trust your own spontaneous creative flow
break through fears around creative writing
experience personal transformation and discovery
SUPPORT incarcerated adolescents to heal and REINTEGRATE

The next writing circle will be held on zoom, details will be emailed to you.

For now our circles will be held on zoom.

For now our circles will be held on zoom.


The Writing Circle EXPERIENCE


From your head to your heart, from pen to paper, sharing your words and listening to others in a safe, non-judgmental space. Learn how to tap into your creative energy, access your subconscious, work through creative blocks to effortlessly channel your thoughts and feelings onto the page.


The process of discovering your voice through written expression will reveal ideas couldn’t be articulated by your mind, clarity that you couldn’t grasp in your thoughts, and even truths you were not aware of, or willing to ever say out loud. You will surprise yourself.


You will be prompted to confront that first ‘gasp’ of resistance - the doubt about what you might or might not have to say or if you can even put pen to paper. What shows up for you in that moment, will appear on the pages revealing patterns and beliefs that can be healed. It is in that moment of discomfort, when we choose to go against our nature, that we transform. In this expanded capacity to express ourselves, we grow.


It was Tony Morrison who said, “the function of freedom is to free someone else.”… By partaking, you will support the transformation, rehabilitation and freedom of incarcerated youths at InsideOut Writers (501.c.3) and join a community of like-minded, conscious, souls.
Suggested donation is $33 and 50% of all proceeds are donated to IOW. To learn more about IOW see further below. Your stories, phrases and words can be voluntarily or anonymously published @TheWritingCircles instagram diary so you can break through the fear, experience the gift of sharing your wisdom, and inspire others to join.

I / Illness We / Wellness Unity / CommunitY

My vision is to create the first writing circle, which, like a stone in a pond will enable others to form and the impact to be shared. I will my share the monthly format with those called to hold this space, and they will create a writing circle of their own. Please contact me directly if you are interested in starting a circle.


“The function of freedom is to free someone else.”


The Writing Circle came about after I attended a similar event held by InsideOut Writers, an event that had a profound imprint on my psyche and precipitated the chain of events that led here.

InsideOut Writers (501.c.3) mission is to reduce the LA juvenile recidivism rate by providing a creative writing classes, re-entry and case management support that evolves to meet the needs of currently and formerly incarcerated youth and young adults. Using creative writing as a catalyst for personal transformation, young people are empowered with the knowledge and skills necessary to successfully re-integrate into our communities, becoming advocates for their future.

I was particularly struck by two things; first that in the US, the national recidivism rate is 75%, but for any individual that goes through the IOW program, the recidivism rate is only 10%. Their results prove that proper resources and a non-judgmental community of support can, and does, cause lasting change. 

And second, it costs an astounding US$233,600 per year to incarcerate one youth, while IOW services one youth at just US$2,272 per year. The choice to support IOW for me was an obvious one.

I felt compelled to find a way to support IOW, but in addition to these irrefutable statistics, my own reasons for doing so truly run deeper. To learn why, please join the writing circle where I will share my personal story.

Learn more about InsideOut Writers < here >